RIP River. RIP everyone else that is dead.
In loving and irreverent memory of River Phoenix and the many others who have passed on before and after him.
Please feel free to comment with your own favorite memories of those departed.
RIP River. RIP everyone else that is dead
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
RIP Ken Caminiti
I guess you were a baseball player or somethin. The only reason I know your name is because there was this radio commercial where people made up songs about you. They would go "Keennn Cam-a-net-eee something something la la" and so I knew there was a Ken Caminiti out there in the world, I just didn't know who you were and what you did. I never actually listened to the whole commercial to find out what you represented either. Maybe deodorant or viagra or something. Anyways RIP Ken Caminiti. Too bad you took steroids and died of a heart attack. Baseball will miss you. I think. You played baseball right?