Whetha you're a motha or whetha you're a brotha you're stayin alive, stayin alive...but not in this case. Maurice, you're dead. WTF? How could you do this to me? I was young, living in southern california and I totally believed you guys were THE coolest motherfuckers to walk the earth. Your white pantsuits and gold chains/medallions made my young heart all aflutter and I'd have probably killed my kindergarten teacher for you if you'd have asked me to. I can't believe you did this to me. And because of an intestinal blockage that caused heart attack. Who knows, maybe they didn't have bran in Australia. Goddamn you Australia! RIP Maurice, I'll be singing your praises til the day I die.
Now I'm off to go listen to your songs while I shove snack cakes into my piehole and pout, oh wait, Viva La Bam is on...ok so maybe I'll just mourn you at commercial break. Still though, thats good for me yo.