We'll we're movin on up. (movin on up) To the East Side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Is it just me or is that prophetic in a way? If you wanna call the East Side "Heaven" which some people do if you live in NYC. Either way, you were "Weezy" short for "Louise" and you were married to that tyrannical midget George Jefferson, of whom I liken to my STBX (soon to be ex) quite often except my STBX is white. Anyway, I watched that show and loved it for a few reasons. 1) it was on late and that meant I got to stay up late to watch it even when I was like 4 years old 2) there was a black lady married to a white man which to me represented something very significant in my young years. It meant that not only do black men like white women, but that the opposite was sometimes true, and for some reason, that made me sleep better at night. 3) all the hijinks you people got into weekly took my young emotions on a rollercoaster of pleasure and fright that delighted me to no end.
Here's why I was scared of the show:
One time I had a fever and it was really high and I dreamed that George Jefferson was the devil and then I was scared and yelled for my dad and when he came in I said "dad! George Jefferson is the devil!" and he replied "yeah, he's not very nice to Weezy, is he..." and we bonded there and had a moment of enlightenment. So RIP Isabel, you were married to the devil for years and THAT, my dear friend, should earn you a place in heaven next to God Himself.