RIP River. RIP everyone else that is dead.
In loving and irreverent memory of River Phoenix and the many others who have passed on before and after him.
Please feel free to comment with your own favorite memories of those departed.
RIP River. RIP everyone else that is dead
Thursday, January 20, 2005
RIP Star Search
They tried to resurrect you last year... It's a shame that nobody likes those Judds...
Arsenio was okay, I guess (although I missed those hoots...and/or Ed McMann).

I think its time we petition for Classic Star Search syndication.
Who's with me?!?!?
Talking 'bout a revolution! ...and a coup d'etat, if neccessary...
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
RIP Harvey Ball
Ever wonder who invented the yellow smiley face? It was created by Harvey R. Ball, a World War II veteran and graphic artist. Ball gave birth to the smiley face in December of 1963 as a commission for the State Mutual Insurance Company, who wanted to boost company morale. He received $45 for his work of art. Harvey passed away in April of 2001, at the ripe old age of 79, but his smiley face will live on forever. Thanks Harvey....and this ones for you. :)

by Buster Van Awesome
RIP Bobby Darin
I know that this one is a little overdue, but since there are few bloggers actively writing who actually remember you when you were cool, I thought I'd pen you a little note.
I remember when I was a kid in New Jersey, my family and I would watch your primetime Bobby Darin Show on TV every week. We loved your show. I can't honestly say that I'd have picked it myself, but the channel button was out-of-bounds for a small boy. There were three shows from my childhood (apart from cartoons) that I still remember clearly, one was the Ed Sullivan Show (the guy spinning plates and the ventriliquist who used his fist as a puppet were my favorites), the other was a Spanish Novella set in the Old West (my grandma's favorite show during the day), and the third was your show. In fact, I can pretty much state without much doubt, that listening to you sing inspired me to love music for the rest of my life. Add to this, the fact that you were married to Sandra Dee, who was the HOTTEST WOMAN ON EARTH, and pretty much typifies (lookwise anyways) the perfect woman to me - and you were a GOD. One day, your show was just gone. I knew that it was Friday night, and when I asked my aunt why we weren't watching the show, she had to explain that you had died, while you were in the hospital for a routine surgery, and that the show wouldn't be back. I was sad for a few moments, and then drowned my sorrows in the Sonny & Cher show, which got me giggling once again. But for those who are now going to watch a part of your life story at the movies, most of them will not appreciate the coolness that was once Bobby Darin. You were much more than "Mack the Knife", and this world is a little less entertaining without you in it.

By Buster Van Buren the Great and fucking sexy