RIP River. RIP everyone else that is dead.
In loving and irreverent memory of River Phoenix and the many others who have passed on before and after him.
Please feel free to comment with your own favorite memories of those departed.
RIP River. RIP everyone else that is dead
Saturday, December 11, 2004
RIP Julia Child
First of all, let me express the great sorrow that I feel. After a very emotional discussion, I stepped forward and offered to do the Obit for you, Julia, as Kris and I were both sobbing uncontrollably. Fortunately, I was slightly drunk so I stopped crying first because I forgot what I was upset about. ANYHOO, you were so fabulous, you looked like my grandma and for some reason, I thought you were a transvestite! You also talked so weird and on those Saturday mornings when I had your show on, followed by Bob Ross's show, I thought I was in absolute heaven. RIP Julia, and pass me a damn heavenly eclaire while you're at it.